Digital canvas for young and inspiring artists
Generally it is believed that people can do remarkable things when technology is within reach. New innovations in technology paves the way for new ideas. Everything seems to be possible with advancement in technology.
Launch of surface pro enabled creators to be more productive. One of the best feature is that your software just opens up and you can dive into any parameter faster with the help of the virtual keyboard than you usually do with the traditional keyboard.
A little about me – Justice – Tablet Pro
A number of years ago I unofficially “quit” as an artist. It wasn’t something that happened overnight. It just stopped being fun, there was just too much “non art” related things to do that really complicated something that used to be so natural for me.
I sold my first piece of art when I was in 4th or 5th grade. I was riding on a school bus at the time and another student really liked something I had drawn and wanted to buy it. I think I sold my first piece for around $20. I have no idea to this day why he had that much money on him.
A New Innovation – Tablet Pro
Unlike your old tablet it provide you with buttons on the screen so that you don’t have to keep taking out the keyboard for few keys. One more fascinating fact about it is that you get access to transparent touch keyboard, that means while using the keyboard you can have a look at the stuff going underneath the screen. Sometimes it is very inconvenient to navigate through different buttons but tablet pro provides you with a choice of selecting an option with just a single touch on the screen.
This removes the uneccessary movement and allows you to work more productively. Afterall what everyone want is efficient and productive output in a less time.
Tablet Pro now in the Windows Store!
This version is brand new and may need some tweaking.
Check it out! As always, feedback is welcome. =)